Thursday, June 21, 2018

List Of Cities And Regencies In Lampung Province

List Of Cities And Regencies In Lampung Province

As already mentioned in my article entitled "List Of Province In Indonesia" that the province of Lampung is divided into 15 cities and regencies. Where 13 of them are regencies and the remaining 2 are cities. In this article, I will give you the list of those cities and regencies existing in Lampung province. But, let me tell you first what is the differences between city and regency. Briefly, the differences between cities and regencies can be seen from the life of the residents, where the residents of a city are usually more develop than the resident of a regency. Other than that, there are still some point that becomes differences between city and regency.

Here are the difference between city and regency that I present in table form:

Point Of Difference City Regency
Led By Mayor Regent
Geographical / Area More narrow than regency Wider than City
Population income Relatively higher Relatively lower
The livelihood of its residents Most of the population works as farmers Most of the population works as traders, businessmen or office workers

That's some difference between city and regency. Now, we go back to the main point, "List of cities and regencies in Lampung province". Here it is :

1. West Lampung Regency 

West Lampung Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Liwa. West Lampung is currently led by a regent which name is Parosil Mabsus. West Lampung Regency has an area of 2141 km2 which divided into 15 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 15 districts are then divided again into 136 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

2. South Lampung Regency 

South Lampung Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Kalianda. South Lampung Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Zainudin Hasan. South Lampung Regency has an area of 2007 km2 which divided into 17 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 17 districts are then divided again into 251 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

3. Central Lampung Regency 

Central Lampung Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Gunung Sugih district. Central Lampung Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Mustafa. Central Lampung Regency has an area of 4789 km2 which divided into 28 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 28 districts are then divided again into 311 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

4. East Lampung Regency 

East Lampung Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Sukadana. East Lampung Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Chusnunia Chalim. East Lampung Regency has an area of 5325 km2 which divided into 24 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 24 districts are then divided again into 264 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

5. North Lampung Regency 

North Lampung Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Kotabumi district. North Lampung Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Agung Ilmu Mangkunegara. North Lampung Regency has an area of 2725 km2 which divided into 23 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 23 districts are then divided again into 247 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

6. Mesuji Regency 

Mesuji Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Mesjui district. Mesuji Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Khamamik. Mesuji Regency has an area of 2184 km2 which divided into 7 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 7 districts are then divided again into 105 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

7. Pesawaran Regency 

Pesawaran Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Gedong Tataan district. Pesawaran Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Dendi Ramadhona. Pesawaran Regency has an area of 2243 km2 which divided into 11 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 11 districts are then divided again into 144 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

8. Pesisir Barat Regency 

Pesisir Barat Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Krui. Pesisir Barat Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Agus Istiqlal. Pesisir Barat Regency has an area of 2953 km2 which divided into 11 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 11 districts are then divided again into 118 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

9. Pringsewu Regency 

Pringsewu Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Pringsewu district. Pringsewu Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Sujadi Saddat. Pringsewu Regency has an area of 625 km2 which divided into 9 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 9 districts are then divided again into 131 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

10. Tanggamus Regency 

Tanggamus Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Kota Agung district. Tanggamus Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Samsul Hadi. Tanggamus Regency has an area of 4654 km2 which divided into 20 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 20 districts are then divided again into 296 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

11. Tulang Bawang Regency 

Tulang Bawang Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Menggala. Tulang Bawang Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Winarti. Tulang Bawang Regency has an area of 3466 km2 which divided into 16 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 16 districts are then divided again into 151  sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

12. West Tulang Bawang Regency 

West Tulang Bawang Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Central Tulang Bawang district. West Tulang Bawang Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Umar Ahmad. West Tulang Bawang Regency has an area of 1201 km2 which divided into 8 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 8 districts are then divided again into 96 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

13. Way Kanan Regency 

Way Kanan Regency is one of regencies in Lampung province whose its central goverment located in Blambangan Umpu. Way Kanan Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Raden Adipati Surya. Way Kanan Regency has an area of 3921 km2 which divided into 14 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 14 districts are then divided again into 227 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

14. Bandar Lampung City

Bandar Lampung City is the one of cities in Lampung province. Bandar Lampung City is currently led by a mayor which name is Herman HN. Bandar Lampung City has an area of 169,2 km2 which divided into 20 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 20 districts are then divided again into 126 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

15. Metro City

Metro City is the one of cities in Lampung province. Metro City is currently led by a mayor which name is A. Pairin. Metro City has an area of 68,74 km2 which divided into 5 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 5 districts are then divided again into 22 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

That's all 15 Cities And Regencies in Lampung Province. Hope this article can increase your knowledge about Indonesia.

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