Thursday, June 21, 2018

List Of Cities And Regencies In Bangka Belitung Island (Kepulauan Bangka Belitung) Province

As already mentioned in my article entitled "List Of Province In Indonesia" that the province of Bangka Belitung Island is divided into 7 cities and regencies. Where 6 of them are regencies and the remaining 1 is city. In this article, I will give you the list of those cities and regencies existing in Bangka Belitung Island province. But, let me tell you first what is the differences between city and regency. Briefly, the differences between cities and regencies can be seen from the life of the residents, where the residents of a city are usually more develop than the resident of a regency. Other than that, there are still some point that becomes differences between city and regency.

Here are the difference between city and regency that I present in table form:

Point Of Difference City Regency
Led By Mayor Regent
Geographical / Area More narrow than regency Wider than City
Population income Relatively higher Relatively lower
The livelihood of its residents Most of the population works as farmers Most of the population works as traders, businessmen or office workers

That's some difference between city and regency. Now, we go back to the main point, "List of cities and regencies in Bangka Belitung Island province". Here it is :

1. Bangka Regency 

Bangka Regency is one of regencies in Bangka Belitung Island province whose its central goverment located in Sungai Liat. Bangka Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Tarmizi Saat. Bangka Regency has an area of 3029 km2 which divided into 8 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 8 districts are then divided again into 70 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

2. West Bangka Regency 

West Bangka Regency is one of regencies in Bangka Belitung Island province whose its central goverment located in Muntok. West Bangka Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Parhan Ali. West Bangka Regency has an area of 2821 km2 which divided into 6 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 6 districts are then divided again into 67 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

3. South Bangka Regency 

South Bangka Regency is one of regencies in Bangka Belitung Island province whose its central goverment located in Toboali. South Bangka Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Justiar Noer. South Bangka Regency has an area of 3607 km2 which divided into 7 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 7 districts are then divided again into 53 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

4. Central Bangka Regency 

Central Bangka Regency is one of regencies in Bangka Belitung Island province whose its central goverment located in Koba. Central Bangka Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Ibnu Saleh. Central Bangka has an area of 6126 km2 which divided into 6 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 6 districts are then divided again into 58 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

5. Belitung Regency 

Belitung Regency is one of regencies in Bangka Belitung Island province whose its central goverment located in Tanjung Pandan. Belitung Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Sahani Saleh. Belitung Regency has an area of 2294 km2 which divided into 5 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 5 districts are then divided again into 42 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

6. East Belitung Regency 

East Belitung Regency is one of regencies in Bangka Belitung Island province whose its central goverment located in Manggar District. East Belitung Regency is currently led by a regent which name is Yuslih Ihza Mahendra. East Belitung Regency has an area of 2507 km2 which divided into 7 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 7 districts are then divided again into 39 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

7. Pangkal Pinang City

Pangkal Pinang City is the olny one city in Bangka Belitung province. Pangkal City is currently led by a mayor which name is Muhammad Irwansyah. Jambi City has an area of 118,4 km2 which divided into 7 districts (we call it "kecamatan"). Those 7 districts are then divided again into 42 sub-district (we call it "kelurahan/desa").

That's all 7 Cities And Regencies in Bangka Belitung Island Province. Hope this article can increase your knowledge about Indonesia.

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